
Mostly recipes, sometimes other stuff, pretty much random

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I promise not to promise...

Empty promises are everywhere. From the friend who says, "oh don't worry, I'll pay you back," to the "Congratulations, you just won 100 free ipads," pop ups on the side of your facebook page. We are all guilty at some point or another. Many times empty promises are made with the best intentions. We really did mean to pay that friend back! But even still, empty promises leave a trail of frustration and hurt behind them. We create expectation in others and then let them down.  

This has been the fallout of so many relationships, the core of so much disappointment. Surprise, 8 year old girl! You will probably never get that pony.

And then there's another kind of empty promise, the kind we promise to ourselves and to other's about ourselves.

Can anyone say, New Years resolutions? Yes, I'm 100% for self-betterment. I know that being stagnant is unrewarding and basically renders life pointless. We all want to grow and change. But the thing that bothers me, is promising myself yet another thing and then being disappointed. It's the goals and plans that i make, and then watch be dashed to the rocks by one thing or another.

So this is my question. How do I change, and grow, and have goals with out letting myself down? One of my favorite quotes is "Don't tell people your dreams, show um." I want to be someone who follows through. If I say it, it's done.

What would the world be like if we brought honor back to the words that we speak? Not only to others, but also to ourselves. Look at your new years resolutions, are they measurable, reachable goals that actually fit into your lifestyle in a reasonable way?  Make this the year. DO THEM! Modify and tweak your goals till they work for you and make them happen. Turn over a new leaf and actually pay your friend back, get the frickin pony (hypothetically of course, unless you really want a pony, then by all means...) and eat all your green vegetables!

When you say, "Oh your should come over for dinner!" to someone, try actually having them over! I know, it's a revolution. But this year, it's my personal revolution.

So instead of a long list of things that I may or may not remember to look at throughout year. I have two things on my New Years resolution list:

1. Make sure the people I care about know that I appreciate them and why I appreciate them.
2. Say a lot less and do a lot more.

Obviously I have sub-categories of all the personal changes I would like to make. But for now, I think that's a good start. Hopefully, when those sub-categories start playing out, I won't have to tell you about it you'll just know. :) In ending I implore you to join with me in echoing the words of Nike advertising"

Just do it.
Happy 2012.

Ps. I just re-enabled the comment option  (which blogger promises is much better now) so feel free!

1 comment:

Heatherfeather1022 said...

Here here...wonderful words spoken with wisdom and seasoned with salt. This is a motivational challenge to us all. "Following through" is not for the faint of heart.

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